Invisible Palm is trick by Larry Jenning (sorry "loyal follower of Marlo"

) and multiple handlings for it can be found in Jennings 67'. Paul Harris' handling is also popular, and it can be found in Art of Astonishment or Las Vegas Close-Up.
As a Marlo freak, I feel the urge to correct you!
Jennings created the original one which is called Open Travellers, Marlo actually had a version ( he called it the Invisible Palm too ) which uses angle palms to achive a very clean handling.
I've seen it on video, VHS called Private Studies I believe, I'm honestly not sure, buts its there for sure.
to the original poster ( Hero0804 ) whats you're card level? Give us some info so we can recommend something for you, whats hard for us might be easy for you, or vice versa!
For starters, why not spending money on something that has more than one trick, so you can pick whatever you want? Big Blind Media has lots of good DVDs recently.
And by the way, search yourself for a trick. The joy you can get by looking up tricks yourself in enormous. What I did is I opened up the "Books" category of any major online magic shop, browse the books, see something that interests me, google for reviews, and there you have it.
Better to teach you how to fish instead of giving you one.
~ Feras