Mating call by Alvo Stockman.

Jan 26, 2008
I was just browsing around the web and found this by accident on Penguinmagic. I love card forces and i have heard some great things about Alvo Stockmans products so i decided to buy this download since it was only 5.95.

What they say:

The Effect
The Neat Freak Force is as fun to execute as it is clean and clever. Using a Mating Call premise, Alvo Stockman (Postmentalism, Poetry Reading) teaches step by step how to perform this innovative new move. Get it now!

Q: Where is the demo video?
A: The Neat Freak Force is bold, psychological and visually deceptive in nature. A demo video can be rewound and watched repeatedly which takes away from the magic and is not a fair representation of the illusion. By Alvo's request, Mating Call will not have a demo video.

What i say:

This is GREAT! and it has become one of my favourite forces. It is super fair and looks very fair. You need to know a thing or two about missdirection but its not really a big problem.

You spread through the cards and when they say stop you break the spread, you put the remaining cards on the table, and there you have it. The top card is the force card.

The only downside is that it needs a small set up, which is easy to do and takes 1 second.
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