Me, a test drive, and TV exposure

Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
So, i'm a very lucky guy. I live in the busy end of a city centre. So, when i need to test drive some new stuff, i literally have to walk for the grand total of about 3 minutes in any direction from my front door to a pub or bar where i can set my hands to stun!

So i was at the bar, testing a new thing i'm working on, and i get coerced by a few buddies into doing an impromptu set. I bust out a few card creations, and i'm part way through my own coins across handling. This little beauty is usually an absolute fry-fest, with lots of audience participation and a very cool climax. This time round however, i had a guy come up to me afterwards and say something along the lines of...

"i know about palming, by the way. they show you how to do it on 'the real hustle"

Wow! I was gobsmacked. I mean, i didn't lose my cool, i said, "oh wow, thats cool man, you'll be a magician too soon then! hey watch this last thing..." and followed up with a jaw dropper to shut him up, but it's really something isn't it?

I guess we will all probably be called up at some point, and the only important thing is how we get out of it?

Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Even with spelling aside, i can't agree wih your post. Unless your joking, of course. But if you're not, i think you definitely have the wrong idea about handling this kind of situation. The chap wasn't heckling, he had waited 'til i was done and was just informing me quietly, away from the other spectator's, that he thought he knew the entire method to an effect because one technique had been exposed on TV.

My post was intended to raise awareness of exposure to the general public, and to highlight how it really is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, as it is how we deal with the fact that technique isn't everything, and we CAN get around it. Apologies if that wasn't clear.

i just ignore, but if they percist, i tend to verbally abuse them.

Possibly the worst piece of advice I have ever heard.

You are meant to be professional, and not abuse them.

People always think they are smarter if they know something that most others dont (Like the guy at the bar in this situation) and its not a bad thing. In this circumstance you did the right thing and was polite and showed him another trick.

Well done!
May 2, 2008
Hollywood, FL
I've had this sort of thing happen before as well. I was at a birthday party though and had just done my version of Indecent. This was always one of my favorite little quick tricks when I was walking around at a party. Anyway after the effect was done, The birthday girl turned to her 12 year old son and said something that I will never forget. She said, " Isn't that the one you have Bobby?"!!! I thouhght... Man... Now I look like a kid. I'm here at a party doing the same tricks a 12 year old does for his parents.

And the worst of it, I talked to the little dodger later and asked where he had bought it. He said "I didn't!! I downloaded it of the Internet, I was going to buy it off of E But I didn't have to." I thought, You little SOB, and just walked away from him.

So you see... It can be worse.
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