Memorized Deck Routine

Nov 13, 2013
I used some old techniques and ideas and combined them into a routine. Basically what I do is have the spectator shuffle the deck however they like (Eliminating the chance of a stack) then I ask them to remove one card and set it on the table face down. Then I proceed to explain my numerous hours of work learning to memorize a deck. I then fan the cards out on the table look at them for a solid ten seconds, then close them up. After thinking about it and contemplating, I then reveal the card that was missing from the deck. Tons of applications are usable too! For instance the cards can be shuffled. I look through the deck just as before, then the cards are cut at any position by the spectator. The deck sat on the table, and the first card is turned over so I can recall the rest of the deck from that position. Then I start naming off the cards in order, suit and everything. These are just two of the applications there's ton more I assure you! But I was just wondering if this sounds like something you'd pay money for? Or have interest in? I plan on releasing it on the wire after I finish recording and editing the performance and explanation footage.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
This routine is already out there. I just saw it performed by Gary Morton two weekends ago at my magic banquet but he had a ton of patter and funny bits that went with it. He revealed 3 different cards by using different senses. Listening to the cards as they were riffled by his ear, etc.
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