Memorization in general is very specific to how each individual processes information. Whether or not you are typically a visual or auditory learner or if you rely on context clues to remember events all impact the method that will be best for you.
Personally, I am typically someone who doesn’t utilize a lot of Tamariz’s recommended methods such as the songs, recordings, etc. I prefer to sit down and merely grind out the memorization through sheer repetition (partially because I also don’t have the money spend on additional resources for these kinds of purposes), however, I have refined the process slightly. This is how I memorized the stack, it really only took me a few hours to memorize the stack IN ORDER and then a few days to refine my recall of individual cards when the stack is out of order (this is important because memorizing sequences is different than remembering individual positions and ideally you want to do both). Hopefully this is of some help:
1) Start with the regular stack and memorize the top three cards. Say the position of the card and the card’s name at loud, and then flip the cards to check that you are right. Once you make no mistakes add 3 cards and repeat now with 6 cards total. If you make a mistake always go back to the beginning. Once you get through the entire deck you will have tested your memory of the first half of the stack disproportionately to the second half, so you should have almost instant recall of the first 26 cards.
2) Repeat the process for step 1 but now you want to start with the bottom 3 cards of the deck. This evens out the amount of practice you’ve had with both halfs of the decks.
3) Write the position numbers of the cards on the back of the cards and then shuffle them all. Test yourself with the deck like they are flash cards. Start with viewing the number only and recall, out loud, the card. Cycle through them and shuffle before repeating. Do this until you are making no mistakes and then restart now viewing the card facing and recalling the position number.
4) Once you are making no mistakes on step 3, you want to do give the cards a shuffle choose a random card and recall, out loud, what cards are above and below it. You will probably want have a written list of the stack in front of you.