Mentalism, guess what the person is thinking of

Aug 25, 2016
I'm very interested in effects, where you tell a person to think of anything, and without a peek you can guess what the person is thinking of. Just like Derren Brown did on the Late Late show, or Spidey on that Montreal show (if I'm not mistaken).
So the effect is the person thinks of anything and you guess it.
Are there any works that focus on this area? thank you in advance.
Aug 25, 2016
here's the youtube link. Well I watched him live last april, and he did the same with spectators. He guessed what the person was thinking of, without the spectator writing down anything, I've read Corinda and Annemann but I couldn't really find an explanation, so I thought there might be another magician doing some work on this whom I don't know yet. But this is the effect I'm looking for, guessing what the person is thinking of without anything being written down.
BTW thank you for the answer.
Jan 1, 2019
Peter Turner has a cool drawing duplication which doesn't require peeks/gimmicks/props etc. It's pure psychology. It might not work all the time but still.
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