Micky Silver

Feb 17, 2009
Bethlehem PA
Anyone know where I can learn the routine Micky Silver does where he pulls like 20 coins out of his face and hair and lets them all clank on the table. I googled looking for a dvd but all it brung me to was a Coinvention dvd. Is the routine taught on the Coinvention dvd?
Sep 1, 2007
No, it's performance only.

Aside from some old pdfs that are no longer available, Mickey has not released anything to the magic community as far as Instruction goes.

His retention vanish is the BEST. No argument. You have to see it. BEST. EVER.

And the routine is called "Human Slot Machine".

Besides, (and no offense at all intended), you could never do it... not like Mickey. That routine works only for him. It's HIS personality that makes the routine flow. Someone once said that Mickey Silver was a cross between a "coin man, a clown, and a used car salesman". It's that combination of facial expression, technical skill, and good natured humour that sells the routine.

You know that coin isn't really passing through his head. But Mickey SELLS it to you, and you BUY it that it's true. He fools all, magicians included.

Get the CoinVention DVD anyways. Theres great coin stuff, and the ability to watch a master like Mickey at work is well worth the investment.

Jul 8, 2008

I just wanted to point out, that if you have any kind of experience in coin magic, you should be able to figure out the touritne the first time you watch it, BUT you still shouldn't do it. why? Because you can not do it as well as he does, especially if you didn't even figure it out by watching. Sorry if it sounded rude. i don't think Micky tried to make it look complicated, but entertaining, and if that was he's point, he SUCCEEDED!
Feb 17, 2009
Bethlehem PA
I know how he does most of the routine, I watched John Fung perform a variation of the routine and I figure if he could do the routine anyone can with the proper teaching and enough practice. As John performed I see now there are different methods to obtaining the stacks. I wouldn't just show the routine after a month of practiice I of coarse would try to master it before I performed it.
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