Hi, I just wanna start in mindreading and stuff like this, deck memorizing routines and stuff like this...
Not this normal spoon bending routines or so, I just wanna have this psychic stuff xD
so does someone know some good beginner books?
I said books, because you find more stuff in books than in dvd's or videos..
Ok, I'll give you some general advice and give my thoughts on some of the stuff given here already.
Firstly, and most importantly, you must must must understand what mentalism is, before you can start performing it properly. So many people have no real idea beyond a vague image of what mind reading and similar things are - things like suggestion, NLP, etc.
So with that in mind, here are some ideas.
Bob Cassidy - Fundamentals. Teaches you about mentalism, as opposed to listing effects. It's the difference between a magician reading someone's mind and a true mind reader. If you want to seriously perform mind-reading effects, you have to understand what you're doing, as well as how to do it.
For memorised deck work: It's a toss up between Tamariz's Mnemonica stack and Aronson's Aronson stack. Personally, I use and prefer Mnemonica stack (from his book Mnemonica). But either will work great. They're the two best out there.
Someone above suggested Full Facts of Cold Reading by Ian Rowland. This is in my opinion the single best book on cold reading available. Don't bother starting anywhere else, you'd only be wasting time.
Corinda - 13 Steps to Mentalism. Someone suggested this above, and it's a great suggestion. Has enough material to let you read minds for hours. Introduces you to all different aspects of mentalism.
Some other thoughts on what's been mentioned already...
Banachek - Sure, why not. His Psychological Subtleties series of books. Lots of work on psychological forces in particular. However you'll get more from this book as an intermediate performer rather than a beginner. Most of this stuff is designed to improve the knowledgeable, rather than educate the beginner.
Diplopia - Fantastic routine, but I would suggest you save this for later. As I mentioned above, better to learn about the field rather than diving into tricks. Otherwise you'll just be a kid doing tricks, rather than reading minds.
Tagged - Don't even bother. If you want to learn the real stuff, save your money.