Mini Cards Tricks

Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
I got one regular sized deck, and that same deck in mini size. Do you guys know any good tricks that utilize both decks at the same time, or how can I utilize mini card to a regular deck?
Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
Not really a trick, but would be a good opener for tricks with a mini deck. Place a regular card on top of the mini deck. Ask them if they want to see a little card trick. Take out the "regular" deck. Say something along the lines of, oh, that's a regular card trick, I wanted to show you a little card trick. Palm the card and show the change.

I have no idea how well that would play out as I just made it up now.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
Not really a trick, but would be a good opener for tricks with a mini deck. Place a regular card on top of the mini deck. Ask them if they want to see a little card trick. Take out the "regular" deck. Say something along the lines of, oh, that's a regular card trick, I wanted to show you a little card trick. Palm the card and show the change.

I have no idea how well that would play out as I just made it up now.

Haha, sounds great. Or maybe, force a card, have a mini dupe of it, find their card, than do an ego change to shrink it.
Jul 13, 2008
You could always do a three-part shrink. Have a poker size card, a bridge size card and a mini card. Use the ego change to shrink the card gradually.
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