Molcule 2 one card production

Aug 31, 2007
Maine, USA

I got the tg deck flip down 99% of the time, so I began to learn the molecule 2. I can do the molecule 2 now, so I figured why not practice both of them at the same time, and practice a production too. So I've read the description from NR 1 and from the trilogy, and it tells you to b***** the card, when i go to do the click + flip ( tap + tg deck flip ) the card I want to produce usually lands IN the deck, not outjogged. Is there a knack to this? Or is it just practice? Any advice would be nice.

Sep 1, 2007
yea im the same
i can do the molecule and the flip perfectly
but when i go for the card face up in the middle of the deck after the flip...well..
it usually shoots out of the deck
lands face up on the top of the deck...
never face up in the middle
mustve practised like 400 times lol


theory11 artist
Sep 1, 2007
Try using a variety of different decks to see which one works best. I will admit that the card doesn't always land out-jogged but I can get it to work by tweaking the bend of the card. Sometimes I give it a concave bend and sometimes I give it a convex bend and sometimes you have to bend the card so much that you almost leave a crease in the card.

Basically now that you have the technique down you can start to experiment with different types of grips and bends to see which works best for you.

hope that helps.

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Aug 31, 2007
Maine, USA
Thanks dan!

For the tg deck flip, I could never get it, I tried and tried, but then I read some advice. Try doing it with the pack in the box untill you can get the feel of the basic 360 rotations. after you can do the flip 95% of the time in the box, take them out. By that time you should have like 1-5 cards coming out of the bottom because of your index, just keep finding different grips, and you'll get it. I try to use the fingernail of my index rather than my first knuckle up to the nail, after i could do it that way i could do it with the index in general not needing to "specialize" my grip everytime. Try pushing the cutical back on your index nail so you have a bigger area for the nail to " help". If that didn't make any sense, PM me.
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