cardistry26370 Nov 18, 2011 115 0 Jul 4, 2012 #1 hey guys where can i find a move to get the top 4 cards to the centre of the deck secretly
R ReversedMagic Jan 14, 2012 6 0 Jul 4, 2012 #2 Hi, I found one; The Distribution Technique by Iriving Quant. This can be found on his DVD Quantum Mechanics
Hi, I found one; The Distribution Technique by Iriving Quant. This can be found on his DVD Quantum Mechanics
HaveOuts Jun 29, 2012 127 1 USA/Sweden Jul 4, 2012 #3 Just slip them into the center underneath a table or behind your back, this will not look suspicious at all. I think if you are proficient at doing the Pass then that would be an option being that it puts the center to the top and the top to the center. - Steve
Just slip them into the center underneath a table or behind your back, this will not look suspicious at all. I think if you are proficient at doing the Pass then that would be an option being that it puts the center to the top and the top to the center. - Steve
yyyyyyy Elite Member Apr 7, 2012 537 12 Jul 12, 2012 #4 I agree, the Pass should be enough to get the four cards to the center. I rarely use the Pass to accomplish this, I tend to use a Malone Shift on the downbeat. It's more of a personal preference, but it has the same effect.
I agree, the Pass should be enough to get the four cards to the center. I rarely use the Pass to accomplish this, I tend to use a Malone Shift on the downbeat. It's more of a personal preference, but it has the same effect.