i learnt the muscle pass with poker chips, they're large and chunky size makes it easier in the beggining, and you will find that it will jump up much higher than coins because it is lighter, and easier to grip. I think poker chips are a good place to start because the progress you make will encourage you to keep practicing, and give you a good understanding of how it work.
After i had mastered the poker chip, getting it to jump up about 2 feet, i moved back to coins and found that it works just as well with them.
my hot tip on the muscle pass is to move both hands upwards at the same time as you do the move. Having you hands slowly moving up will dramatically increase the hight of the muscle pass. This isn't the perfect way to perform it, but having both hands moving upwards hides the action, and will make that coin jump a lot higher. So if you want to be performing it sooner this may help.
I now do the move with a completely static hand, i trained for this by putting my arm through a gap in the back of chair, so that the top of the chair stopped my hand from moving upwards when the move is performed.
I thought i would never get the hang of this, but time is all it takes.
Cultural Exchange 1 has some great uses for the muscle pass, including Shoot's amazing Neo Purse Frame routine, and some cool vanishes. I find that Jay Noblezada's line about rewinding time works very well too.