My Asher Twist

Dec 8, 2007
Hey man!


Cool video. only tip is to not move when you do the move.

Nicely done even though I HATE those cards!

Take care,
Nov 30, 2007
Midlands, England
Yeh, honestly, I don't like them either, (they whiten too quickly) but I was messing around with 'em and I decided to video the Asher Twist, and it came out OK, so I just used that footage.

:) Thanks for the tip about the movement. I may make another video soon, with improvements.
Dec 1, 2007
It's quite good !

Try to be more natural because when you have to do the secret move, your body "turns" and it looks suspicious. (But it's my point of view)

This beautiful effect must be done without any strange move, very clearly.

In addition, using colored cards can be better for this kind of visual tricks.

Greets, OsmoZ.

PS : Excuse my english, I'm french =)
Sep 26, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
Try to remember, using speed to hide a slight is a lot of the time what you DONT want to do. I only type "dont" in caps, because a lot of people who are learning new slights, or beginning magic altogether, think they need to do everything they can to hide the slight, which sometimes in rushing to cover it up. However, this can actually add extra suspicion. My advice is as other people have written, work on being smooth, with natural body actions. Every time you spread to show the cards face up or face down, always do i the same way. Each time you spread to reveal a new face down / face up card, display it the same way.

Keep working. The Asher Twist is a great effect that is very visual and very captivating when performed smoothly and with ease.
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