my first original trick

Jun 1, 2009
That was soooo confusing. I had no idea what was going on once you turned and put the six in. I couldn't see anything and it all looked really fishy. What's the point of the other card? It's not located in anyway, so it plays no part. Also, loosen up a bit with the deck, it seems like you're really tense and it makes for the not so prettiest spread. The way you handle a deck needs to be smoother and not so tight and cramped. Also, make sure you know what you're doing in the effect, at times it seemed you were lost and didn't know what came next.
Watch this video it should help with the spreading of the cards. Also, some patter would be nice, that might clear up the confusion on the effect.

I'm not trying to be mean, just honest. I hope the criticism will only help you get better. Best of luck!

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