My Gift To You: No Pressure

In a little under half an hour of this writing I will publish No Pressure onto the Marketplace. For one week anyone can download this effect for free. I would like as many people as possible to download this effect because once you learn it, I think you will use it.

No Pressure hits a lot of check marks for me. It takes advantage of a borrowed object with no switches. You leave your spectator with a souvenir of their own object. Also the name No Pressure has a double meaning; it not only removes the air pressure but it's a super easy effect to do thus you will be performing this no pressure!

I go over three different variations on how to pull off this effect. Each method is unique and at least one should cater to the different performing styles.

Lastly, I am now announcing a contest for anyone that puts up a video review of No Pressure. The winner will receive a free tutorial of my previous effect, Doubting Thomas.

Good luck to all and I hope you enjoy No Pressure!

Nov 10, 2014
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this, I won't be using it because I usually wear clothes different than this, and as much as I would like to see the secret behind Doubting Thomas, I don't do video reviews. Well, good luck with this.

For those who are interested...

I liked the premise of this as a bar bet. I liked how clean it looked and I could see myself using it at BBQs etc as a nice impromptu piece. So I downloaded it, because, hey, free stuff!

The amount of set up required is no where near worth the effect. All of that for the ability to squash a bottle? Really? You have to be wearing the right clothing as well.

Only one method is actually taught, the other two are just mentioned briefly. One of them requires you to already own Doubting Thomas. None of them are impromptu in the truest sense of the word, you always have to have something on you. They all, however, look impromptu as only the bottle ever seems to be in play.

Tyler is very confident in front of the camera and, creative skills aside, is a very competent performer and presenter. The production is also very good.

Tyler, I honestly wonder why you don't focus your skills producing other peoples effects? Seriously, find some people who's tricks you like, buy the rights, learn them, film and teach them. You'd be great at it. You'd sell a whole bunch. Inventing clearly isn't your thing, but you're great in front of the camera.

Disappointed, was looking forward to this one as it seemed fun.



Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I can see myself performing this without the gimmick as taught in the tutorial. So for those who do not like the set-up, maybe use your imaginations and use the tools and methods he has given you to come up with your own way of performing it. (My way you could do this shirtless if you want to..... and it is not much harder than the method he teaches.
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this, I won't be using it because I usually wear clothes different than this, and as much as I would like to see the secret behind Doubting Thomas, I don't do video reviews. Well, good luck with this.
Thanks for the support Mclintock!

A couple of things I want to address. The main method does require a specific clothing set up. I knew some people would have an issue with this so I included alternative methods that feature two different gimmicks but are performed the same way.

The Doubting Thomas method uses a special gimmick for snatches and ditches which will be most effective during the passing of the bottle to the spectator phase since all their attention will be directed towards the bottle thus allowing you to snatch and ditch the gimmick easily. With this set-up, their really isn't any clothing requirement needed besides pants.

The next method was thought of by my friend SJ and his idea was to take the concept of a TT and use that to achieve the effect. I personally prefer to ditch a TT up my sleeves when I roll them up or in a method taught to me by Jeff Stone, you can ditch it in an opening between two buttons of a button up shirt. Of course you could always just ditch the TT in a pants pocket using clever misdirections thus a shirt is not required as well for this effect.

I prefer the main method I taught since I'm most comfortable with it. It also fits the way I dress when performing so it really isn't an issue but after I teach that method I do go into the alternative methods. As Rev pointed out I don't go over these in as much detail. The reason behind that is because I felt it would be redundant to go over the same routine again when the main point is just to show the variation in the gimmicks and how to ditch them.

Hope this helps!
I can see myself performing this without the gimmick as taught in the tutorial. So for those who do not like the set-up, maybe use your imaginations and use the tools and methods he has given you to come up with your own way of performing it. (My way you could do this shirtless if you want to..... and it is not much harder than the method he teaches.
That's so cool that you are making this your own thing. There is nothing that makes me happier as a creator than to see someone take my concept and make it their own thing to fit their own style.

My post above explains the two methods that are mentioned that don't require any special clothing requirements. Apparently not a whole lot of people paid attention to that part in the tutorial but that's important for me to know for my next release that I need to emphasize more even if it seems redundant.

Thank you so much for your support and I hope this effect will serve you well. I can't wait to see what all you come up with for it.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to clarify something real quickly. I never advertised this as being impromptu. What you see is what you get in the trailer but that doesn't mean that there isn't some set up required. The bottle truly is borrowed and can be given out but I never advertised this as an impromptu trick.

With that being said, the inspiration from this trick came from when I was bored in my apartment and was trying to crush a water bottle. In doing so, I actually discovered two impromptu methods of performing No Pressure.

In fact, last night during a conversation with a girl at a party it came up that I was a magician. The girl jokingly challenged me to prove that I was a magician by making the refrigerator disappear. Having only an empty water bottle in hand, I told her that I could remove all the air pressure in the bottle and crush it with the cap sealed on. I did so with one of my impromptu methods and she had a big look of shock on her face (granted she may or may not have been high at this party).

The reason why I don't go over these methods is because in my opinion they are not that clean. The methods I teach in the No Pressure release are very clean but one of the methods completely destroys the element of magic in the effect and the other just looks really weird to the point where people won't even be that impressed and will see that they can actually do it at anytime.

If people wish to know these two methods, I can teach them on my YouTube channel. I just feel they are not up to the standard of quality that Theory11 expects to be on their Marketplace.

Hope this clears some stuff up!
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