My Muscle Pass Diary

Sep 27, 2007
Cenozoic, Oligocene
Hey theory11,

I decided to make a little series of videos called "My Muscle Pass Diary".
From today, I decided that I want to learn the muscle pass in my left hand as a sort of thing that I could record my "progression".

The muscle pass is a hard move to start no doubt about it. A lot of people give up on it from the lack of progress they see.

This isn't meant as a video of me explaining how to do the muscle pass.
There are other people that have products that do an excellent job of teaching you the "how".
I'm just trying to find out the "how long?" part of the question.

It's meant as a source of progression and fun as well. It can't be all seriousness ;p

Offically from today, I am a newb at the muscle pass once again.

To learn the muscle pass there's a number of different resources that you can find. If you search, you can find it.

Hope you guys enjoy :)

side note: I'm still learning how to edit videos so sorry about the editing (or lack of).
May 15, 2010
With Gerard Way
Nice, I look forward to seeing the improvement. It looks like a good way to keep getting better. And actually seeing your own improvement.

Best of luck,

–Anna Harris
Dec 10, 2007
A video with actual personality?! Gasp! lol good job man you were entertaining to watch. Thank you for not droning on like most magic videos do.
Jan 21, 2011
This is really nice to see. I have always wanted to learn the muscle pass with one. hand but only got as far as learning where to hold it and getting it to flip over. :) I look forward to seeing how long it takes you to get it down so I have a reasonable time frame for how long it will take me. My practice time is limited so I have to use it wisely. I was wondering when you post the video if you could do an update of hours of practice per day and such. or practice tips.

Jan 21, 2011
Thanks for the update and answers to some of the questions I had. Though there was no progress it still was a useful video to watch. The advice is sound and does help.

Also I hope your finals go well and have a magical B-Day,

BTW: I got the coin to take flight and leave the hand today. Unfortunately it was only about an 1/8" and it immediately took flight down to the floor. :( but I got it to leave the hand rather than just turn over. :)

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