Okay, so I have been tearing apart coin magic for the better part of a year and a half now, mainly because I suck at it and that is the way you get better. When I first got into it, everyone pointed me to Bobo. I got it, I read it, and I was lost, not understanding what the heck was going on. Then I started getting some DVD's (Metal, Ammar, In the Beginning, the list goes on). It slowly started to click. At first I was worried that I would never amount to anything with coin magic because I couldn't get a simple back palm down and to this day I still can't, but now I am beginning to understand something. The New Modern Coin Magic is not the best choice for beginners. I am not knocking its place in the coin magic world; it pretty much has everything and lacks little in the coin magic world. But on the same note, so does a dictionary. And I wouldn't tell anyone to learn a language by pointing them to a dictionary. I love my dictionaries, I use them all the time. But I learned some of the fundamentals from other places. I think DVD's win the starting point in this field because coin magic is an extremely visual art. Through seeing some of the masters work their charm, I think one begins to understand - at least to a level - what needs to be done to master the art. That is when you start reading the dictionary.