name of this card trick?

Mar 10, 2011
i am wanting to know the name of the following trick and where I can learn to perform it.

the magician takes a stack of cards and asks the spectator to guess if the card is black/red. he puts the cards that are guessed to be black in one stack, and the ones guessed to be red in another.
the magician goes through the entire stack and then turns over each deck to reveal the number the spectator guessed correctly.
the spectator guessed 100% correct for each color.

I'd love to learn this trick to add to my routine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sep 2, 2009
The trick you refer to is called "Out of this World".

From MagicPedia :

Out Of This World is a classic card effect created by Paul Curry in 1942. Many magicians have performed their own variations of this trick. It has been billed as the trick that fooled Winston Churchill, after amateur magician Harry Green performed it for him. The plot, history, relevance in magic, and many variations are the subject of a 2009 book by Brent Geris, Bob Postelnik and Duppy Demetrius called Best of All Worlds.

Effect: A spectator separates a deck of cards into reds and blacks without looking at the faces of the cards.

The method, though simple, is well hidden, and is usually enhanced by the presentation of the performer.
Mar 10, 2011
thanks so much i really appreciate that information. i am looking right now for the routine to buy on here now but can't seem to find anything. hopefully its on some other magic sites.
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