Need help killing me

Oct 26, 2013
Hey guys im new to this. I was wondering if you could help me.
Here is the story, last night I was out drinking with some friends and this guy does a card trick and for the life of me I could not figure it out. I was hoping you all could help.
The trick: random deck of cards, he shuffle it sometimes not always, ( he did the trick numerous times) I dont think he was forcing a card or anything. ask me someone to pick a card anf put it on the top ( they could shuffle it right a way or hed cut it and ask) then he would ruffle threw them and know my card. he would never look at the top or the bottom card. did it with his eyes closed. the only thing i caught was that my card had to be placed on the top after selecting it, and even if he looked at the top and the bottom card i shuffled well enough that the marker would me removed.
Jul 22, 2013
Sounds very difficult at first glance, but it really is quite simple with a cheap gimmick. That being said, I really hope nobody helps on this one. I'm probably going to get some people annoyed at me, but it sounds like you should just enjoy the trick. You got fooled by a fun trick, just accept it. This is a place where we come to talk to fellow magicians about concepts we need help with or want to broadcast, not to just find out so (I assume) you can tell the guy, "Oh, I know how you did that, and here's how" next time you see it performed.


Elite Member
Aug 14, 2010
I think the same thing, Parker! Enjoy being deceived, you will miss it when you learn a lot of magic. The last time I was fooled, I didn't even try to guess how the effect was done, and I still don't know how it worked. Juan Tamariz is a genius, and his Triple Coincidence is a miracle I don't want to know how is executed.
Aug 31, 2013
The need to know seems enormous when you don't know much about magic but once you know how it's done, the trick is ruined for you. Unless you have every intention of practicing magic, I would try and leave it a secret. It's more fun for the performer and spectator that way.
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