Need HELP with any aspect of magic?

Basically ask any question about perfromance or whatever you need help with
Im no pro but i do want to help some people out. Shoot, any question you have ask it. From beginers, intermediate, or advance ill try and help out.

I do cards mostly, a little coins, working on a stage show with 2 other friends
I do street magic everywhere i go.

Im here to help out and probably wont be able to answer most questions but ill do my bestest :D
Aug 31, 2007

I have a few...

Don't take any of these personally.

How old are you?

How long have you been performing?

What do you consider "street magic"?

Who are your inspirations?

Its no problem

Im 16

I have been perfroming for 2 years

I have done magic in several malls and where ever i can find an opportune moment too.

Biggest inspirations would be my uncle Eddie Sudzina he has a patent on foam bunnies haha pretty cool stuff. Also Asher and Kenner have been pretty big inspirations of mine.
Aug 31, 2007
I'm sorry, but I really don't see the point of this thread. I may be fact I hope I am...but this seems like a hell of a lot of arrogance on your part.

These are magic forums. If people have questions that they want answered, they post them. Then, people from all over the world with different experiences come answer them. So here's my question: Why should anybody direct their questions specifically at you? What makes you more qualified to answer than the 3,749 other members? I mean, you said yourself that you've only been performing for two years.

Don't get me's great that you want to help people out. But seriously...when people have questions, they post them. Go find them and answer them.

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I can see where you comming from but by no means do i have any intentions of sound arrogant.

I only mean to extend a helping hand
Many people may not want to ask questions for fear of being flammed
I just want to help out

Sorry for sounding arrogant
Just trying to do something for the magic community

Possibly someone might have a question that i could answer with a personal experience

Once again sorry
Sep 1, 2007
I think Dreamtheather is just trying to help out. Give him a break, there is no need of arrogance on this site and there isn't much and I don't think he is being arrogant, nonetheless he is being a nice guy giving a helping hand out there...
Aug 31, 2007
No hard feelings. I was just trying to figure out where you were coming from.

If people are afraid of being flamed, then quite honestly, I don't think that posting in this thread will make them feel any better. Maybe starting a thread about "ask questions, don't worry about being flamed" would help.

I'm sure you could answer several questions with you personal experience, but so could all of the other performers here. If we each started threads asking for people to ask questions to us specifically, ...well we just don't do that. It'd be ridiculous and unnecessary. It works the other way: individuals ask questions, then everybody else comes and answers them. It's much more efficient.

Again, no hard feelings, I just really saw no point in this thread. I still don't, but hey.

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Aug 31, 2007
sweet....someone else who performs at malls!

my q' ....have you ever had any problems with mall security..?..there are a couple of cards out there who i'm not a huge fan of...
As for mall security.. any time i perform I get asked to leave... being told the 'upper management don't want you to do magic here'

I have a question, how do you deal with a community of heckler like behaviour?
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