Need help with the classic pass.

Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
Hey guys,

Right now I am working on the classic pass, I can do it fine but generally people can see it, I need some kind of cover, so if anyone has any ideas, share please. S

James Wise Magic

Elite Member
Dec 28, 2007
I learned this cover from the Digital Conviction from Robert Smith DVD.

As everyone knows the card is pick, placed back in the deck and held with a pinky break. Basically it's going to look like you placed their card in and you raise your hands saying not to tell you what the card was; you're hands are up like, "Ooooo back off". Basically what you're doing is doing the pass in the cover of putting your hands up in the air, it's all about the timing. The big motion covers the small motion. Using this, I have NEVER been called out on doing a pass.

PM me if you have any other questions.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
I think the pass in Digital Conviction was a herman pass.
And its impossible to help you without actually seeing your pass..
And generally its not fine if people can see it.. haha
Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
Thanks, James1Wise
I will try it out and hopefully it will work.
And to sciffydof, i meant that I can do the motion in which the selected card goes to the top with no trouble but i cant make it invisible.
Sorry I was not clear in my post.

Mar 26, 2009
i like the idea with the hermann pass while raising up the hands. A technique i use from KenKrenzel is to open the pinky break to a gap (like a book or the erdnase break) and hold the deck in right hand biddle grip to hide it. You can talk, gesture, etc, and when the hands come back together, it is very easy to get your fingers in because of the gap and do a pass very quick, especially as you are turning to the left (if your right handed). also, you can use the hand rocking motion shown here or experiment with the cover pass.
Jan 10, 2008
I'm interested in knowing what resource you are using to try and learn the classic pass Sidekick. I learned it from multiple resources myself, including Card College, that Ellusionist DVD Ninja and other various resources.
You could use all the misdirection in the world, but there will still be that one spectator that won't take his or her eyes off of your hands. Ideally, with years of practice you will be able to have someone burn your hands and still pull it off.
The only advice that I could really give you when trying to perform any kind of shift, is simply that finger positioning is everything. For instance, when doing the classic pass make sure that your covering hand has no gaps between the fingers when the pass is executed. Other than that, mirror practice is absolutely essential to learn the timing and angles for any pass.

Jun 22, 2009
Lots of practice... A good amount of misdirection. Be casual about it. You will always have someone burn your hands when performing, but if you make it seem like its no big deal then to them it will be.."no big deal". Its a offbeat kinda move, so be offbeat with it.

Good Luck.
Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
I'm interested in knowing what resource you are using to try and learn the classic pass Sidekick. I learned it from multiple resources myself, including Card College, that Ellusionist DVD Ninja and other various resources.
You could use all the misdirection in the world, but there will still be that one spectator that won't take his or her eyes off of your hands. Ideally, with years of practice you will be able to have someone burn your hands and still pull it off.
The only advice that I could really give you when trying to perform any kind of shift, is simply that finger positioning is everything. For instance, when doing the classic pass make sure that your covering hand has no gaps between the fingers when the pass is executed. Other than that, mirror practice is absolutely essential to learn the timing and angles for any pass.


royal road to card magic, it has some good covers, like riffle and spread cover.
but i am trying to find a cover that i like, and does not get too much attention like the riffling sound.
Jan 10, 2008
Hey, RD Chopper, man I wish I could have seen that video three years ago when I started practicing the pass. Excellent advice!
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