New bottom dealing grip + new strike method?

Jan 9, 2014
Hey guys, been practising bottom dealing for a long time, both strike and pushout, nothing worked as well as i wanted, i wanted a deal i could do that was not dependant of hand condition, and a week ago, i found a new technique to strike the cards out. The strike method is efficient, and for me makes it easier to deal bottoms than tops actually, atleast in that grip.

I also came up with the grip, it's not the gene maze grip, actually my forefinger is on the corner and the second finger is beyond it, for cover.

This is what i think, i haven't read that many sources, so i hope someone who's been into false deals can let me know if this is a new grip.

Tell me what you think! Did you ever see a deal like this?

Nov 26, 2013
Hey man! I don't know much about bottom dealing, but I know two people who do! I would reccomend Private Messageing both Joey 44 and Jason England, with the YouTube link,here on Theory 11. Jason England was responded to my message in two days :) Once U get the news from either of them, please post and tell what they say, I'm kinda interested to see what they say. :)
Jan 9, 2014
Here is the move again, can u give me the correct usernames to these guys so i can write to them? :)
The grip is the 3rd one :)
Jul 13, 2014
Hey man! I don't know much about bottom dealing, but I know two people who do! I would reccomend Private Messageing both Joey 44 and Jason England, with the YouTube link,here on Theory 11. Jason England was responded to my message in two days :) Once U get the news from either of them, please post and tell what they say, I'm kinda interested to see what they say. :)

I believe you meant joey144. You could also try contacting gazzo, he was a student if one of the greatest bottom dealers who ever lived and was once one of the best himself.
Jul 13, 2014
And I'm not an expert, but it don't really like your grip. It's an interesting idea but it just looks weird to have your finger just sitting there, not doing anything. The best cover for a false deal is speed. You should probably go for that first.
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