A lot of effects need time to be perfected, but some have a lot of time put into them for the sake of it.
Plus I'm sure Justin Miller started talking and sharing the idea of Silver Dream with other magicians the month he thought up of it, just because it's not perfect doesn't mean he can't discuss it.
True, but marketing and discussing are two completely different things. Feel free to show your friends and fellow magicians something new you're working on. I know I do. But when it comes to deciding when to market an effect, a few weeks just isn't enough.
In order to come up with a solid, marketable routine, you need to test the effect out over a long period of time. This comes from experience. I've had effects where I thought they were as good as they could get, but then I would find a sleight or something that would improve the routine.
In short,
You will always be able to improve on your own creations. It's a fact of life. In the process of creation, you will usually go through 3 or 4 different incarnations of the same effect, each one topping the last.
An effect can really prove itself by lasting for years in one incarnation.