New Fore - Dribble

May 8, 2008
Hey, basically I'm really happy. I love using forces however only really know the standard ones. And I was just playing around and thought hey lets try and do an original force.

So basically I now have a force with no breaks where you dribble the cards and the spectator says stop-Yay card forced. I've tried this out and it works better than I thought it would, only problem I have is it is slightly angle sensitive, other than that I love it.

Does anyone else use a dribble force or have you seen one?

Cheers :)

May 3, 2008
i use a force that has dribbling, but um, it does require a gap/break at the back. Kinda works because of the "lag time" between them saying stop and me actually stopping. but anyway, dribbling forces dont seem fair enough to me. I always thought the slip force(?) was one of the best ways to force a card.
May 8, 2008
i use a force that has dribbling, but um, it does require a gap/break at the back.

Cool, I just got all excited because of not having a break, I found trying to keep a break hard :$

Do you mean a dribble peek force like a lot of mentalists use?

Erm, not sure what that is, so possibly.

Yeah there is a backslip in there. For me - It's easy, practical and most importantly looks natural. I just like the idea as with a dribble it seems harder to a spectator that you have manipulated their choice, at least it does to me.

Thanks for your thoughts and input guys, this probably is already a widely used force, but it's always good to get some feedback :)

Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
You've probably re-invented something, to be honest.

Theres the dribble peek which has been mentioned. This however, is NOT a force, so it would be remiss to call it such.

Theres the Ego force, used by Daniel Garcia, which may be similar. Uses no breaks.

Theres a slip cut force from a dribble, which I have seen a few people do, though I've never seen it in print or on film.

And Justin Higham (SP?) released a manuscript entitled 'The illogical dribble force' last year. This may be similar.

ohh the good old dribble force, what a fine invention of such orgasmic propostions!!


I use the old dribble peak force or the dribble half pass force which is a cncept I use from the cardini change although I am the only person to use this I think as I have not seen it published anywhere.

name = cardini driblble force I also use this when doing the ambitious routine so can be used as a force or a form of card control although this is angle related.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Yeah mate, thought it sounded similar.

Good work!

It's VERY deceptive, especially when used in conjunction with the convincer i wrote up!

As an aside, we're gonna get ALL of the technique and interview segments moved over to, so it'll be readilly accessible.

Yeah the convincer will help me a lot thanks for that, interesting read!

aint used the sleight in a while so will be infornt of the mirror tonight having a look back at it, its one of those moves I forgot but with tha dribble thread it sort of sparked of a memory theres load of stuff lost ion there that need fishing out the amount of books I have read to much information and not enough brain mass is my problem!!
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Same mate, I went on a spree a while ago and have two books and three DVD's still to go through, it's ridiculous!

Glad the convincer is of some use to you boyo!

boyo??? idiot!! :eek::eek::

yeah I am working me way through dnagerous still and trying to get lapse as fluent as i can, theres another book I invested in called 7 decetption as I am trying to encoperate a few mentalists effects in my routines.

bit of a killer!!!
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