New here. First post!

Jun 5, 2017
Hello all!

This community is so cool. I always wanted to learn various illusions and now I've found the perfect place. I want to learn out of curiosity and the ability to disrupt the everyday patterns of other's lives in a positive way.

I'm unclear if this forum can actually instruct me on how specific illusions are done or just point me in the right direction to various resources, but either way is great.

There's this Japanese magician called TanBa. He appeared on one of those talent shows. I've seen resources on the razor blade illusion, but I have no clue how he swallows the balloon and takes it back out.

Similar to swallowing swords where you have to train your throat? Is there two different balloons? Does he even really swallow the balloon? He wears a fake prosthetic jaw? Something to do with the table he has? I don't know. Some guidance on this would be much appreciated.

Looking forward to learn and contribute to this community.
Jun 5, 2017
Well I know there's already resources on the razor blades illusion and there's plenty of illusions to check out in the theory11 shop that I can learn. I've been exploring the shop a lot trying to figure out which ones I should buy first.

As far as I know, sword swallowing and other types of swallowing like when David Blaine swallowed a coat hanger is all about training the throat. I just can't figure out how Tanba swallowed that balloon, then made it reappear at the end. Was it inflated in his throat the whole time? And even when David Blaine swallowed the coat hanger and took it out with the spectator's ring attached to it.

This illusion is what makes me curious the most at the moment. Because I really have no clue how it's done haha.
Jun 11, 2017
I totally have the dvd somewhere I'll look it up. BTW, Blaine swallowed a coat hanger and the pique of curiosity is a balloon?
Jun 5, 2017
Thanks for the welcome.

The curiosity isn't really in the swallowing of the balloon. I'm guessing it deflates somehow as he pushes it in the mouth, but how it comes back out inflated is what stumps me. Maybe it's a second balloon, but I have no clue how it's inflated as it reappears.
Jun 11, 2017
Maybe using chemical properties to make it inflate. After all, we fake hydrogyn engines why not fake a balloon.
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