New Site

Just be careful with bandwidth. If 5% of the people on T11 hit your site, you will be shut down for bandwidth limits.

This is why I buy my own domains and hosting service. I also do all the Web Design and graphics myself with Adpbe Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop.

These free templates don't have much flexibility. This is why I learned Web Design myself.

Good luck with it.
The first thing you might want to do with that site is edit. There are quite a few typos that I saw when looking at your site. I also agree with what the previous posters said about domains. They make your site seem so much more professional.

Just some tips! :).

Have fun with the site!

Alright, I've had quite some experience with web design and such and will give you some pointers.

First, you must ask yourself this question, "what is the purpose of my site?"

From what I saw, it seems it's another community website with a media section. Not to ruin your ambition, but don't we already have something like this? there's Decknique, T11 and a few other sites which already have thousands of members.

This isn't meant as a personal attack, but just something you should think about before creating a site, because we don't need another T11 or Decknique, try to be original.

Second is a domain name, these are relatively cheap and will cost you about 10 dollars a year, you can buy them through your host or separately. I'll go into that in the next part.

Third is a good host. I use Adelais Networks and have never had a problem, they have great support and are very cheap and almost 100% uptime. Also, you can buy a domain name through them directly and the support is great guiding you step by step if you're new to the business.

Like others have pointed out, freewebs sucks, unless it's a personal portfolio, even then a proper site with name comes across a lot better.

If you need any further help, feel free to PM and I'll guide you through it, thanks :)
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