Ode To Ose by Ryan Swigert

Hey everyone!

Long-time reader, first-time poster... Hahaha.

Thought I would share one of my new effects with you guys: Ode To Ose

It's password protected, but I think everyone on here will be able to figure it out. The password clue is: The last name of the person who would wait a week. (in lowercase)

Catch you guys later,
Ryan Swigert
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Apr 27, 2008
It isn't working for me, nor do I know what the hell that password is about! :p


EDIT: Now it's working, but not from the link you posted. I just went to your home webpage, went from there.
And the password still eludes me.
Feb 16, 2009
South Bend, IN
Nice idea Ryan. Thanks for sharing this.

For those who need a clue about the password, I'll repeat what someone at the Magic cafe said. The words "wait a week" could be replaced by "vait a veek" (imagine that in a gruff accented voice) :).
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