One Hand Color changed

Jul 13, 2009
I came up with a new effect that i need a one handed color change for, I know there has to be some good ones out there. Due to the nature of the effect the color change needs to be done from mechanics grip or a slightly modified mechanics grip but any changes well be appreciated.

Also, I have a new move coming out on the new wtfnolimits production site, the site is the move is called chute and it releases tomorrow, it is $4.99 and is an instant download. For those of you who have not checked out the new site, I strongly recommend you do.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
The Erdnase one-handed transformations seem to fit your needs. I have a personal one I can teach you if you'd like. Also, the Clipshift or one-handed top palm seem to fit your needs.

Hope that helped! I'll definitely check out the release!

Jul 13, 2009
So i just tried using flippant and it didnt really fit the situation. So im going to try to better explain whats going on, so what the effect is is a face up rising card to the top ACR kinda thing and the situation is a card out jogged a up card second to top and a facedown card on top, so pretty much all i need is a good way to switch the top card and second card, what i have came up with so far is kinda a reverse erdnase kinda thing and also if i changed the handling up i might be able to use flippant


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
magic0al said:
thanks for all the help and to wZEnigma: how clean is the erdnase transformation?

Pretty darn.

So i just tried using flippant and it didnt really fit the situation. So im going to try to better explain whats going on, so what the effect is is a face up rising card to the top ACR kinda thing and the situation is a card out jogged a up card second to top and a facedown card on top, so pretty much all i need is a good way to switch the top card and second card, what i have came up with so far is kinda a reverse erdnase kinda thing and also if i changed the handling up i might be able to use flippant

Justin Miller's Erdnase improvement is stellar. You might want to try a Cardini followed by a Clip Steal.

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