I watched the effect your friend performed, and I would advise them to change the patter of this effect from start to finish. He draws attention to things that makes no sense for him to draw attention to in the first place.
2:37 - 2:47:
"So watch, (turning over the KofC) one cut more, and we would have the number 13. One cut less (turning over the 5ofH) we would have the number 5. Correct? So this is a completely free choice."
He says the same thing a few moments later with a 2ofS and a Joker.
He is pushing the fact that it's a "
completely free choice" a bit too much, and more so what's the motivation for him to show what cards would have come up if the cards were cut one more or one less?
None. A spectator being shown this effect wouldn't think about (let alone care about) what cards 'would' of came before, or after they said stop. It wouldn't even cross their mind, but it would now because your friend put unnecessary attention on it. That just drew more heat onto your friend, and that's the last thing you'd want as a magician.
It's no big shock on how it is done, but to a layman this would be a cool effect so long as the patter gets changed a bit.
- Steve