Panic: Full Review and Q&A

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Hey everyone, I just thought I would add that I guess it would be possible to have a selected card appear with the remaining Kings, but I think that it would look somewhat out of place.
Sep 1, 2007
Thanks for the review. Panic looks very very good! But the only 1 thing that I worry about is the gimmick. What if I lose it or damaged it? Does theory11 allows me to purchase the gimmick ONLY? or do I have to buy the dvd again?

43 minutes long (that's with all the content, including the Easter Eggs). But on Panic, the Easter Eggs are like 3 minutes in total. Aaron spends lots of time going over everything with you. Every subtlety, every situation, every angle. He even talked about tension in your magic and other things from his book The Paper Engine. I was amazed at how much good, high quality information was packed into this DVD. Amazed.
Sep 1, 2007
Here, I fixed a couple things for you.

Q: Can this be done with cards other than the Kings?
A: Yes, with very little thought it can be done. It could even be done with the mates of any selected card.

Q: Can I make the gimmick should it be lost or damaged?
A: You can make another one.

Q: Can this trick be done with Bicycle Guardians?
A: Yes, if you make your own gimmick.
I understand that the four kings at the end are not examinable, but are the four kings that you put in your pocket examinable?

Also could I do a trick with the kings and put them in my pocket and then perform Panic?

Last question. Could I perform this with the four kings and a completely blank deck?
Sep 2, 2007
I understand that the four kings at the end are not examinable, but are the four kings that you put in your pocket examinable?

Yes. Also, the four kings at the end are examable, but not immediately.

Also could I do a trick with the kings and put them in my pocket and then perform Panic?

Yes, as long as you have the gimmick with you.

Could I perform this with the four kings and a completely blank deck?

Yes, if you want to vanish a blank red bicycle deck, and as long as you have the gimmick with you.

Sep 2, 2007
Thanks a lot. This seems so practical. I can't wait till I get my copy. When I see it in the mail I'm probably going to piss myself.


It's a fantastic effect that has become my favorite. I keep performing it, and people keep getting awed by it. The gimmick is unbelievable, and sturdy, so it'll last a while. Also, check out the easter egg, "Widespead Panic," which is an effect that can follow or lead to "Panic."

Sep 1, 2007
Sidetracking a little, there is this beautiful S-Spread Aaron shown in the video. Is it taught in anywhere else?
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