Alright this is the situation:
I'm at a party. Everything is chill. Someone brings out a deck. We start a small game. Conversation sways the topic towards... wait for it... David Blaine and Criss Angel.
One of my friends say that I know a few tricks. So I do a few impromptu stuff (it was a borrowed deck) - a few tricks and flourishes and everythingelse (thanks to Dan and Dave) and a few other tricks. I don't want to give up any more of my arsenal so I call it quits after about four or five tricks and we go back to our game and it's all good.
The question here is: What tricks would you do in a situation like that? Anything apart from ACR. Borrowed deck. No setup (or very minimal - ie. can be set up in front of the spectators openly or with a little misdirection). Surrounded. Hecklers awaiting.
Please include a source where you can see a performance or maybe a book from which you can learn it.
Trick: The Queens
Effect Summary: The four queens are shown. One by one they disappear in a flourishy manner. They are then produced in one quick, fluid motion.
Creator: Dan and Dave Buck
Taught in: The Trilogy
Add a link to a performance if you can find a good one.
Also try and post tricks that have a party feel to it or one that has an appropriate patter. I entertain mainly my age range (14-19). For example I changed the Queens effect patter so it's like the Queens disappear when I enter the room but reappear when my friend comes in and I leave...
I'm at a party. Everything is chill. Someone brings out a deck. We start a small game. Conversation sways the topic towards... wait for it... David Blaine and Criss Angel.
The question here is: What tricks would you do in a situation like that? Anything apart from ACR. Borrowed deck. No setup (or very minimal - ie. can be set up in front of the spectators openly or with a little misdirection). Surrounded. Hecklers awaiting.
Please include a source where you can see a performance or maybe a book from which you can learn it.
Trick: The Queens
Effect Summary: The four queens are shown. One by one they disappear in a flourishy manner. They are then produced in one quick, fluid motion.
Creator: Dan and Dave Buck
Taught in: The Trilogy
Add a link to a performance if you can find a good one.
Also try and post tricks that have a party feel to it or one that has an appropriate patter. I entertain mainly my age range (14-19). For example I changed the Queens effect patter so it's like the Queens disappear when I enter the room but reappear when my friend comes in and I leave...
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