Past midnight 2

Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
Stebbins is a very old stack, the order is found by adding three value (ace being one and king being 13) to the previous one and then changing the suit into the next one in the CHaSeD anagram.

Essentially it goes A of Clubs, 4 of Hearts, 7 of spades 10 of Diamonds all the way through the deck. You can find a lot of applications online and in book's that Ben mentions on the DVD
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
If you google search it, you can buy the full information re: the stack. A stack is just a way of organising the deck so you know what is where. Other popular stacks include the Aronson stack and the Mnemonica Stack.
If you google search it, you can buy the full information re: the stack. A stack is just a way of organising the deck so you know what is where. Other popular stacks include the Aronson stack and the Mnemonica Stack.
There are different types of deck stacks. Si Stebbibns is based on a formula, and is a cyclical stack. You can't know what where with this one, with some few exceptions.

There are also algorithmic (spelling) stacks, and memorized stacks ( like the Aronson & Mnemonica, which are not the only ones of course ).

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