Paul Harris - Twilight Mirror

Nov 8, 2007
Your best bet is buying a cheap make-up compact with a square mirror in it and taking it out.

If you're performing Twilight Angels, you really don't need the mirror. I use the effect all the time and I always borrow a spectator's phone. Someone always has a good reflective phone. And even phones that don't reflect well work just fine. You just have to get people to come in closer, which works just as well--you just have to play it more intimately.
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Jul 16, 2008
somewhere in New York
I got mine at Sallys beauty supply. They had a bunch by the register and the one i got is like small and square and its edges are rounded but it still works just fine. Another thing you might wanna try, if you want/dont mind a sleightly bigger mirror, tht i tried is a locker mirror. i took the mirror from my school locker and took the frame off and that also works well.



creator / <a href="
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
I have been performing this trick for almost 10 years now, and the best place to get an extra "mirror" would be Home Depot or Lowes. Get it cut for you...many pieces. ORRR look around for an old fashioned small mirror. Now you have a story to tell about the mirror itself. I came up with a routine involving my grandmother giving the mirror to me as a kid so that I could catch my own guardian angel...etc.

As for the cellphone method, it does work, but the lighting isn't so great. Plus it sucks when you are using that method and the phone

Consider the other ideas from Mr. Houchin on the TA set. Use a zippo if you can. Carrry one around with you or buy one.

Hope this helps...

Nov 8, 2007
As for the cellphone method, it does work, but the lighting isn't so great. Plus it sucks when you are using that method and the phone

I always ask if anyone has a phone, then when someone offers one I ask if they'd mind turning it off for a moment so we can try something. While they do that I have the card selected and signed by someone else.


creator / <a href="
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
I always ask if anyone has a phone, then when someone offers one I ask if they'd mind turning it off for a moment so we can try something. While they do that I have the card selected and signed by someone else.

That's a good idea. But I did have a friend who did the same thing. And when the mom turned the phone back on, she had missed an emergency call from her son who had hurt himself very badly. This was a once in million shot, but I wouldn't want that on my shoulders. lol...

Anywho, for someone who works in a bar, I would much rather them see the effect plain as day, than to squint at a reflection on a cellphone screen. The idea of borrowing to make it seem more impromptu is fantastic. However, as this is a closer to my regular bar gig, I tend to build it all up with a crazy ass story line and the antique mirror.

Jan 5, 2010
That's a crazy story Mike. I would feel horrible if that happened to me :\

As for the antique mirror, I would be tempted to have a patter along the lines of this (while having the card signed).. "This mirror was my great great grandmothers, and if you stare in it you can almost see something weird in the reflection... *make a loud sound*"
Nov 8, 2007
Yeah, that's an awful story, but really--anything could happen. That's not something anyone should expect to happen. I mean you could ask someone to hold out their hand and the diamond in their engagement ring could fall off and be lost forever. But how many of us are going to stop doing magic in spectators' hands on the off chance some unforeseen small tragedy happens though? Someone could walk away to get a can of soda for you to do a trick and end up bumping into the wrong person and being beat almost to death.

Anyhow, as Mike says, it all depends on how you want the effect to play. If you want it to be clear and play big you probably want to carry a small mirror. If you don't mind it being more of an intimate effect with an impromptu feel the phone will work just fine. All about how you want to present it and how you want it to play.
May 4, 2008
OMG Guys. Just get a Zippo...
That is THE BEST WAY to do this effect. Carrying a mirror in the pocket beside dangerous, it's lamme and kinda gay. What guy carrys a mirror in is pocket....
If you do the trick with the mirror, the trick will look like gimmick tricks.
Zippo is 100% the best way. Everything seems so fair. Chose a card -> let them examin the mirror (in that time everyone focus is on the zippo, you have all the misdirection to change the card -> for them everythings is 100% fair, FINISH THEM!!

It's normal to carry a Zippo. But a pocket mirror, OMG! Learn Zippo Tricks and Flourish, so you can show, Card Tricks, Zippo Tricks, and then the mix.

By the way.... Perform this to girls and ask for their mirror. That's even better. Almost every girl carries a mirror on them.
OMG Guys. Just get a Zippo...
That is THE BEST WAY to do this effect. Carrying a mirror in the pocket beside dangerous, it's lamme and kinda gay. What guy carrys a mirror in is pocket....

If you do the trick with the mirror, the trick will look like gimmick tricks.
Zippo is 100% the best way.

What screams to people more: a thin piece of glass or plexi that is solid in it's entirety, or a large box thing that can come apart that just so happens to have a mirrored surface. Not saying it isn't a good thing to use just pointing out that if I was a laymen spec, that is where I would go first, the zippo that is.

Plus if you do twilight coins, it will probably be very difficult to do due to the small working coverage. But that right there is just speculation, I wouldn't know because I haven't performed it before.

By the way.... Perform this to girls and ask for their mirror. That's even better. Almost every girl carries a mirror on them.

I agree, great way to perform the twilight cards.


creator / <a href="
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
OMG Guys. Just get a Zippo...
That is THE BEST WAY to do this effect. Carrying a mirror in the pocket beside dangerous, it's lamme and kinda gay. What guy carrys a mirror in is pocket....
If you do the trick with the mirror, the trick will look like gimmick tricks.
Zippo is 100% the best way. Everything seems so fair. Chose a card -> let them examin the mirror (in that time everyone focus is on the zippo, you have all the misdirection to change the card -> for them everythings is 100% fair, FINISH THEM!!

It's normal to carry a Zippo. But a pocket mirror, OMG! Learn Zippo Tricks and Flourish, so you can show, Card Tricks, Zippo Tricks, and then the mix.

By the way.... Perform this to girls and ask for their mirror. That's even better. Almost every girl carries a mirror on them.

A few things here...

A zippo is NOT the best way to do this effect. I have been performing this effect for 10 YEARS and have ALWAYS used my antique mirror that I found at a yard sale. It's small, old looking, and looks like something a gypsy would carry around. The STORY I have created to go along with the mirror sells the effect a heck of a lot stronger than flourishing out a zippo to do the effect. I have used cellphones, zippos, and other reflective objects; nothing else compares.

Funny how you ask, "what guy carries around a zippo"...Well the same could also be asked to a magician who carries around little sponges shaped like bunnies. What we carry around in our pockets is fair game considering the fact that we are performers, entertainers, magicians. But then maybe you think sponge bunnies are "gay" too. It is how we bring the spectators in to our world that makes it ok to carry around whatever the eff we want.

And as for the misdirection: don't need any. Have them sign the card, perform the effect and then leave them with something that will continue to fry their minds for years to come. I actually had a lady come up to me who met me at a gig 5+ years ago and guess what? She pulled out the 2 of Hearts and showed it to me...

And a final note: borrowing a pocket mirror is also not a bad idea either. Especially if you want to go the impromptu route. Perform it for girls...

How about just perform it.



Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I use my card clip. (It's just a cheap one), but it is completely justified and takes up no more pocket space than what I already use.

Granted it doesn't come with a big story (nice tip Mike).

May 4, 2008
Yeah... I really came out too strong :)
I know everyone has his style.
My type of magic is 99% improptru. When I go do magic, I usualy carry, a Zippo, cards (with 2 of the same cards, and twilight angels card), 2 invisible loops, some loops in the arm, some bussiness cards, and in my wallet: a big iron nail (Yeah it's weird xD), 50cent coin bite, and sometimes one card in my wallet.

I usually walk like that everyday (except for the invisible loops). If someone asks me to do magic that's what I do... "oohh wait here I have a zippo, let me show you this, you're gonna love it", "let me see that coin (boom coin bite)" I like everything to be natural.

This is my presentation, and my style. I have sponge balls (not bunnys) in my house, and I really like to do some things with those. But I dont really support carrying red balls and make-up mirrors with you all the time. If you really like those things of course you can use them. If you like bunnys, go ahead and do it.

I have been performing this effect for 10 YEARS and have ALWAYS used my antique mirror that I found at a yard sale. It's small, old looking, and looks like something a gypsy would carry around. The STORY I have created to go along with the mirror sells the effect a heck of a lot stronger than flourishing out a zippo to do the effect. I have used cellphones, zippos, and other reflective objects; nothing else compares.
Man, this is cool. You have your old looking mirror. You have a good story to tell. I do not consider this gay at all. That's cool. But a make-up mirror. Or you have a great story to tell with it or the trick will look like something is not quite right.

Funny how you ask, "what guy carries around a zippo"...Well the same could also be asked to a magician who carries around little sponges shaped like bunnies. What we carry around in our pockets is fair game considering the fact that we are performers, entertainers, magicians. But then maybe you think sponge bunnies are "gay" too. It is how we bring the spectators in to our world that makes it ok to carry around whatever the eff we want.
Man... you have to admit it. Carrying a Zippo is very normal and usual. And carrying little sponges shaped like bunnies is not quite usual...

I actually had a lady come up to me who met me at a gig 5+ years ago and guess what? She pulled out the 2 of Hearts and showed it to me...
Nice. That's cool ;)


creator / <a href="
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
Man... you have to admit it. Carrying a Zippo is very normal and usual. And carrying little sponges shaped like bunnies is not quite usual...

True, but I will almost guarantee that carrying sponges shaped like bunnies will land you much more money than a few zippo tricks :) It is all about what the audience wants to see, and how you get paid. I do not even like the effect myself, but its not about what I like...its about what THEY want.

And to your other comment about "supporting" the carrying around of sponge balls or whatever else...

I don't "carry" those things around with me all the time. What I DO carry around with me all the time IS a deck of cards and a few coins.

I perform magic 4 nights a week at a bar 2 shows a night, and that is when I will use the bunnies, Twilight Angles, etc. There is a difference between working at a paid gig and Rambo-ing yourself up to walk around and just perform just to do it.
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