
Mastering the Art of Pickpocketing by James Coats and Nicolas Byrd is a decent DVD. Here's a review here: http://forums.theory11.com/showthread.php?t=6123.

If you're willing to spend the money The encyclopedia of Pickpocketing by James Coats and Nicolas Byrd I heard is pretty good too. It's a whole DVD set and there is a lot more material. The DVD's are old but there still pretty good.

Mastering the art of pickpocketing: http://www.magicproshop.com/masteringpickpocketing-byrd-coats-dvd-p-2423.html

The Encyclopedia of Pickpocketing: http://www.elmwoodmagic.com/full/Magic-Tricks-Magic-Books-Magic-DVDs-1-Encyclopedia-of-Pickpocketing-Set-of-4-DVDs-Nicholas-Byrd-James-Coats__2344.htm OR http://www.magicproshop.com/encyclopedia-pickpocketing-dvds-vol-byrd-and-coats-p-4423.html
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