Pinkie count

Oct 9, 2007
Amarillo, Texas
I know this is sad that I can't do this and I don't know if I just don't have enough feeling in my pinkie or what, but I cannot seem to get the pinkie count down at all. Do any of you have any advice for me? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Alex


Oct 5, 2007
Northampton, England
You need to hold the deck in a very tight mechanics grip, then just practice riffling down the side of the deck with your pinky. Once you're fine with that, just start riffling off however many cards you need.

By the way, when I say tight grip, I mean you need your left thumb pushing down hard on the top left corner of the deck. Once you get a feel for it you can loosen up a bit, but until then push down firmly. Hope that helps.
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