I said this in another thread less than an hour ago, and I'll say it again. It's an online magic forum... if someone's "mean" to them, I'm sure it won't hurt them. And if it does, they need help this forum can't give them.
Yes, it's just a forum. And it is quite common to see rude postings in forums. But we need to understand that sometimes the rude postings do hurt some people.
Some people made offensive and disrespectful comments because they have a hidden agenda. They want to try and make a particular magician look bad in order to achieve their own goals. These goals sometimes mean monetary gains. Hence they would try their very best to insult and defame their target.
These people often used multiple usernames so that they can make their arguments convincing
I think the mods in T11 are already trying their best to stop people from giving rude postings. The same cannot be said about some other forums. Some other forums would allow their members to make offensive comments, as long as the members support a certain website or product. Those places are a breeding ground for young arrogant magicians.