Polaroid Change Problems

Jun 26, 2009
hey everyone i am having trouble with the polaroid change.
i can't do the move fast enough or cleanly enough. please pm me with help.

Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
I'm going to say that this color change is probably the most unpractical..... Ever. I mean the idea and concept are cool but the angles suck and it only be performed for 1 person at the right angle so basically it's good for the Internet but as far as I'm concerned it's not a real world change. So you end up doing so much work for so little. I'm all up for practising I mean I practice several hours a day but all my effects will work with good if not great angles and are strong. I mean if your gonna learn a change learn shape shifter or ego both have way better angles and if your looking for somthing similar with better angles check out the bertram change.
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