Good stuff there Michael, you've clearly put some practice into your effects and know exactly what you're doing and when you need to do it.
Everything flowed and your performance was good. Nice job.
I do have to ask whether you were on a time limit though, you seemed to be going quite fast through your material. You did about 4/5 tricks in the space of 5 minutes, that's roughly a trick a minute. If I were to say one thing (and this is in no way a response to your performance as I do not know the time constraints you were under) it's that we all need to let the spectator absorb what just happened, otherwise it just becomes a blur and what you just did isn't magic all of a sudden, it's just something you did with cards 'or something'.
For example, in your 2nd effect (Fadeout I think you said it was), and I only watched the video once because I wouldn't get a chance to rewind in real life
, you went through it so quick that it was really hard for me to take in what was going on and why it was happening. This is exactly what I remember:
1) Someone saw a card
2) Deck went blank
3) Card(?) went blank --
I put a question mark here because I don't remember you actually placing it off to the side, all I remember is that a card was put face down away from the rest.
That is it and when I think of it, I can't really make a decent memory of it. Don't get me wrong, your patter was cool because it followed on from the previous effect of you printing the cards and this was the reverse.
But do you see what I mean? If this had been spent a little more time on and you'd gone slower, I would've been able to remember that there were a number of cards with faces, then the deck started to go blank, in fact every card went blank except for the one the person named. Then I would remember that their card was placed off to the side whilst you showed the rest of the deck, then that card went blank too; incredible!
That's just my thoughts on it.
It was really nice watching something like this though so thanks for putting it up for us to watch!
- Sean