
Sep 21, 2010
well, I was wondering things like... Are the moves fairly simple to perform? What are the chances of getting "called out"? (cause some tricks are soooo easy to tell how they are done) Is there any prior set up? stuff like that. So, yeah an in depth review please. thanks


Jul 16, 2009
Well, If you dont know the secret I think the answer to one of your questions is already answered.. If you dont know how to do it then it isnt "soooo easy to tell" how it is done. Right?
Id say that for what you get from this trick, compared to how much practice you need to put down into it, it is a real WIN :)
This trick is alot more about your audience control and how you construct the trick and you pattern more than sleight of hand.
Sep 21, 2010
If you're planing to buy this trick and wondering about this then I'll tell you this; trust me this trick is awesome, just buy it right now...

James Wise Magic

Elite Member
Dec 28, 2007
The method is very very easy and there is no setup. Borrow a balloon if you can, borrow a cell phone or any small object that can physically fit into a balloon and then perform the effect and you're left clean.

HOWEVER!! Like some comments have said above me, this effect is more about audience management and being able to control your audience because IF you perform it the wrong way then your audience will have a "theory" and you'll find that for once they're theory is pretty much close, if not exactly correct. So really you just need to practice making the effect natural and close off any roads that their mind might take. I've performed it several times and ever since I worked on audience management for this effect, not 1 single person has even got a clue how it's done!
Apr 25, 2009
Yorktown, VA
This is one of those tricks where getting caught completely depends on you. How you present it and how confident you are with it. The trick is overall easy to do with practice, but the hard part is getting it through as a magical effect. (For example, do you find yourself getting caught palming cards, or ditching items into your pockets, if so you might want to reconsider getting the trick and think more about working on your confidence and misdirection). I have it, and I love it. But I am careful with it. Also note that Michael Ammar stunned the world using this trick on the Tonight Show.
Sep 21, 2010
One more question I have. When the trick is completed the borrowed object is actually inside the balloon right? I have seen so many videos on youtube where the people are obviously just wrapping the balloon around the front. This cant be right.
Apr 25, 2009
Yorktown, VA
Apr 1, 2009
This is definitely an effect where you have to build some sort of credibility before you perform it. And if you have that, you will blow them away. On the other hand, if you don't have control of the situation, things could go south quickly. I highly recommend it. It's very easy move wise, but don't take that for granted. You have to realize what your magical moment is for the spectators and then where you make that a reality. when you have this beat for beat down, the effect is amazing.
Sep 3, 2007
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