Prophet help

Nov 29, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Hey this is really a question for others that own it and have tried it out on various occasions on people.

So i recently bought it and i really love the effect, only problem i'm having is the gimmick....I'm trying not to expose but im just wondering how effective is changing the bills into 5s or maybe 10s? The 100's is really something i cant afford heh, and even the 20's is a bit much. Using the 5's would really be the best money wise but i just feel like it it would take away from the "WOW!" factor...

If you have any suggestions that you feel like it could be exposure just PM me :)

Mar 25, 2008
I gotta tell you buddy. There's just nothing that's gonna match turning ones into a fistful of hundreds. I know that sucks to hear when you don't have "the money" to build the effect, but its the truth.

The change is still startling, but why change them into anything other than hundreds if you have the ability to do magic.

There are a million "patter" fixes for this problem, but still, nothing beats the impact of hundreds.
Nov 29, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Yea i realize it wont be as good but im wondering if it will still contain the "WOW!" factor im looking for, right now im heading towards doing 10s, that way i only loose 22 bucks, which i guess i can spare :)


that girl who posts videos sometimes / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
I recently got in trouble for "spending my gimmick".

The punishment I was given was that I had to use $20s instead of $100s now. Which made it ok because you still show 100 dollars in one form or another. Just something to think about.

Also, there is no "ruining" of the bills in the gimmick. Just make sure you use rubber cement.

Just a little FYI.

Oct 16, 2007
You could ALSO change paper into money. That'd probably compensate for your small bills. People would surely react to paper changing even into 1's, it just seems impossible with paper. Just my 2 (why's it always 2? :p) cents.
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