Psychic Magic

May 10, 2015
Saw a trick on TV, I want to say 8-10 years ago. A magician gave a group of 5-6 people sitting around a table a sealed envelope which was said to describe who they were. After each person opened the envelope and read the 6-12 page document, they were amazed how correct he was. Especially amazed, since they never spoke a word to the magician, nor have they met each of the other people surrounding the table.

Then he had each person give their envelope to the person next to them, turns out each of the documents were identical. They interviewed each person and asked them what was it about the document that you knew this magician knew you? Each person's answer was different. The document was filled with a bunch of generalizations like 'you're smart, you're outgoing, you're a people person, etc.' Intertwined through it, written in many different ways. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything beyond that. Maybe some hypnosis would help me :)

Has anyone ever heard or seen something like this done before?
Do you know where I could find any sample material?
May 10, 2015
Jay, you, my friend, are a mind reader. :)
You can take a garbled fragmented memory and turn it into reality.

It's not the exact episode I had seen, but it's the same principle and I got exactly what was needed.

Thank you so much kind sir.
Dec 29, 2011
Jay, you, my friend, are a mind reader. :)
You can take a garbled fragmented memory and turn it into reality.

It's not the exact episode I had seen, but it's the same principle and I got exactly what was needed.

Thank you so much kind sir.
Do you have any other info for the one you originally saw? I'd be quite interested in seeing it.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I know Criss Angel made a similar TV spot and I could see someone like Keith Barry or Penn and Teller doing something similar.
It was the Barnum cold reading principle. You can google it. For an actual description of the people and just not psychological rhetoric, you can use Asi Winds 23 effect or theres a video prediction called Order 66 in Mentalism Notes at Lybrary. You can also fin a ton of material on cold reading by Ian Rowland and also over at Trick Shop Dot Com.
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