
Sep 20, 2008
We were queing (sp?) up for this attraction in Leceister square, and my friend mentioned that there was a magician here before that entertained them. I was esctatic. He was apparantly not very good, but we both thought its because she's seen magic from me, hence why she thought differently. Anyways, he was there later on.

He was busy with some other stuff, so i took his bikes, fanned them out and offered it to his colleague. I wanted to perform a quick revalation.

And wouldnt you know it, this happened.

Him: "i saw you do the move."

I did a pass. and in classic counter for hecklers, i replied:

"What move..? " he shifted, said "You are a magician! "and explained, but i went on. I did a double, and he said "i saw that too."

I lost respect. Once was bad enough, but completely heckling a fellow magician is out of line. (If i can even call myself a magician.) I asked him to show me some other things besides cards, Mainly a sponge routine. it was obvious, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. I didnt heckle-Because two wrongs dont make a right.

Later on i found out that he was a Purist. This is a term for magicians that 'do not stray' from the art. No manipulation, as clean as possible. No unnaturalness, no flash. I think he hated me cause i did flourishes. He bragged about meeting Jeff Mcdbride too. Which i found slightly intresting.

Anyways, just my experience- thought i'd share. Tell me about your experiences meeting local magicians.
Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
L0l , i had the same experience once ... a guy who thought he was great at doing card magic (but was horrible at it) tried to bust me several times and succeeded in a few of 'em. I just quit performing for him and walked away.

I also like to watch other people performing card tricks. After i performed for a small group of people, i hand them my deck and ask them to do a card trick for me (If they know some). Even though i know how the trick is done , i act surprised and tell him it was awesome.
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
Goes to show just cause one has a hobby that many enjoy doesnt mean they feel a sense of unity with you.
Alot of times they will try to bury you in the ground for the glory.
Sep 20, 2008
I like it when laymen perform magic. Though im sick of hearing "but you probably know how its done." Yes, we do. But perform anyways.

Alot of times they will try to bury you in the ground for the glory.

yeah- But i dont understand though, for what glory? In front of MY friends? haha
Sep 2, 2007
Sinful07, when I first read your post I had a moment of worry that you were talking about me, because I work in Leicester Square a couple of times a week...plus I've met Jeff McBride! Fortunately I don't use Bikes or sponges, and hopefully I'm not that much of a c*ck. If anyone wants to show me a trick, I'm always happy to see what they've got, provided it doesn't interfere with the flow of my performance.

Do you go to Leicester Square much?
Sep 10, 2008
it pisses the hell out of me how hardly anyone in the performing arts has respect for other performers. Don't bother with people like them. If you respect them, and they don't respect you, you're above them. They don't deserve your time.
Sep 20, 2008
No, but i live in Essex. We just had a day out in London and bumped into a magician performing.
Don't bother with people like them. If you respect them, and they don't respect you, you're above them. They don't deserve your time.

Yeah, i completely agree man. Whilst i was open minded to his opinion about Purity, he wasnt quite keen on my aspect with regards to flourishes. It seemed the other way around for us- i was more proffessional than him by considering his views.
Jul 13, 2009
We were getting ready for this attraction in Leicester Square, and my friend mentioned that there was a magician here before that entertained them. I was ecstatic. He was apparently not very good, but we both thought its because she's seen magic from me, hence why she thought differently. Anyways, he was there later on.

He was busy with some other stuff, so i took his bikes, fanned them out and offered it to his colleague.that is pretty disrespectful, you took his bikes to perform your effect while he was doing something and then distracting his assistance with your trick instead of helping him. I would be pretty damned irked, especially if a competing magician has come into my busking territory. I do not know much about London but I know some buskers are very territorial. I wanted to perform a quick revelation.

And wouldn't you know it, this happened.

Him: "i saw you do the move."

I did a pass. and in classic counter for hecklers, i replied:

"What move..? " he shifted, said "You are a magician! "and explained, but i went on. I did a double, and he said "i saw that too."

I lost respect. Once was bad enough, but completely heckling a fellow magician is out of line. (If i can even call myself a magician.) I asked him to show me some other things besides cards, Mainly a sponge routine. it was obvious, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. I didn't heckle-Because two wrongs don't make a right.

Later on i found out that he was a Purist. This is a term for magicians that 'do not stray' from the art. No manipulation, as clean as possible. No unnaturalness, no flash.You mean non purists do not work on no flashes, unnatural movements, manipulations? Wow that explains why magic now a days sucks some hardcore nuts. I think he hated me cause i did flourishes.Nah I think he hated you because you were doing magic in his territory. He bragged about meeting Jeff Mcbride too. Which i found slightly interesting.Why did you find this interesting?

Anyways, just my experience- thought I'd share. Tell me about your experiences meeting local magicians.

What I was addressing is in red, my reply is in blue.
Sep 20, 2008
Hello. Your method of replying seems a bit fuzzed- can you make it more tidier?


He was not a busker. He confessed later on to having a great salary. He said an analogy to compare it with. I didnt hear, but i smiled. He was esctatic.

He was busy in general- he wasnt performing. Please do not get it confused. if he was performing, i wouldve mentioned it. His 'Assistant' was another magician whom i was in a conversation with. And i am not a competing magician, i was a customer to the
attraction. (which was some sort of Walk-in-and-get-scared attraction. it was good by the way.)

ou mean non purists do not work on no flashes, unnatural movements, manipulations? Wow that explains why magic now a days sucks some hardcore nuts.

You're a bit negative arent you? Firstly, that was the 'method' that he was implying. bearing the fact that his double was absoloutely pathetically eye-stakingly painful, i did by nowhere mention it and heckle him. i simply smiled and let him get on with the trick.

For the record, he did a lot of unnessessary dribbles too. Which contradicts his statement of 'yeah, all that flash makes it Impure to the spectator' speech.

Listen, before you rant off about other things that i didnt elaborate on, why dont you take time reading the post again, and view it from my perspective. it seems to me that you capitalized the fact that i forgot to mention that:

A. I was not a magician invading his 'territory'.

B. i forgot to say that he 'Dribbled' the cards quite often, which is a form of manipulation regardless, which contradicts his speech earlier regarding Flourishes, and Impurity.

C. i was a customer to the attraction and was no way in hell BOUND to stick around and watch his magic.

D. his 'Assistant' was a magician, in full costume, and i opened him by asking if He was one. He said yes, and he said the other guy was too.

E. i didnt know grabbing a deck of bikes from a magician who is clearly not performing, but merely on his break would get my head chopped off.

F. I found it intresting considering he was againts flourishing, and he met Jeff Mcbride, which released a product which is renowned as the Flourishing bible. (EoPCF.)
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Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
F. I found it intresting considering he was againts flourishing, and he met Jeff Mcbride, which released a product which is renowned as the Flourishing bible. (EoPCF.)

I'm in no way a flourisher, nor have I ever claimed to be, but I'm pretty sure that jeff mcbride did not write EoPCF. If I'm not mistaken, it was jerry cestkowski. jeff mcbride did however, release the art of card manipulation.
Sep 20, 2008
Zing! thanks for that, got both confused. They had the same first name, Sue me.

Thanks Tally-ho.
Jul 13, 2009
Hello. Your method of replying seems a bit fuzzed- can you make it more tidier?


He was not a busker. He confessed later on to having a great salary. He said an analogy to compare it with. I didn't hear, but i smiled. He was ecstatic.

Okay then information that would have been great to know in the beginning since Leicester Square is a popular place to busk, I had to make that assumptions even though I dislike making assumptions.

He was busy in general- he wasn't performing. Please do not get it confused. if he was performing, i would've mentioned it. His 'Assistant' was another magician whom i was in a conversation with. And i am not a competing magician, i was a customer to them.

You're a bit negative aren't you? Firstly, that was the 'method' that he was implying. Bearing the fact that his double was absolutely pathetically eye-stakingly painful, i did by nowhere mention it and heckle him. i simply smiled and let him get on with the trick.

Nope not negative I am just very analytical, my opinion was based off what I read, if everything wasn't their expect a miss understanding.

For the record, he did a lot of unnecessary dribbles too. Which contradicts his statement of 'yeah, all that flash makes it Impure to the spectator' speech.

Listen, before you rant off about other things that i didn't elaborate on, why don't you take time reading the post again, and view it from my perspective. it seems to me that you capitalized the fact that i forgot to mention that:

Right mentioning that now, does little for me since I already made my rant.

A. I was not a magician invading his 'territory'.

B. i forgot to say that he 'Dribbled' the cards quite often, which is a form of manipulation regardless, which contradicts his speech earlier regarding Flourishes, and Impurity.

C. i was a customer

D. his 'Assistant' was a magician, in full costume, and i opened him by asking if He was one. He said yes, and he said the other guy was too.

E. i didn't know grabbing a deck of bikes from a magician who is clearly not performing, but merely on his break would get my head chopped off.

Did you bother to ask?

F. I found it interesting considering he was against flourishing, and he met Jeff Mcbride, which released a product which is renowned as the Flourishing bible. (EoPCF.)

I find it interesting as well now that you tell me the entire story.

Sweet thanks for clearing that up, I knew if I responded a bit assertively I would get the whole story.
Sep 20, 2008
Bahh, your method of replying is burning my eyes! haha!

He was in the middle of telling me that the guy beside him is better than him, when i pointed to the deck of bikes on the table and fanned them out. Im sure he shudve pretty much chopped my head off otherwise if i wasnt allowed.

His sponge ball routine was awesome though. Its for kids, but i loved it :)
Jul 13, 2009
My bad that was a double post

Awesome I truly apologize for ranting I didn't know all the full story and withdraw what I have previously stated. Plus I got my caffeine now I am a happy Lycanthrope.
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