Push Off Double Lift

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Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
Don't be hard on him. A lot of people were interested in it. It looks very nice in performance.
Anyway, just out of curiousity, wouldn't it be obvious to the spec that there are two cards? Or is it just done so fast they don't have time to see it?

Its exposure.And its not his to teach.
No matter how trivial you think it is.
Jul 1, 2009
This should be in the card magic forum. But don't know if thats call exprouse, but thanks you for the tutorial.
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
i know this is just a double lift, but it's still a type of exposure. it's a good tutorial, and i wouldn't necessarily say to take it down, but just don't get into the habit of making "free magic" tutorials.

Yea, but seriously? The double lift is soooooooooo exposed it's not even funny. I would say don't worry about it. But as circusfreak96 said, don't make a habit of it.
Jul 1, 2009
Guys it just a double lift is not like he teaching the cardinin change or something. But also don't make it habit.
Sep 2, 2007

This is not the real "Push off Double Lift" anyways, the technique is exposed and no where near the original. However, I do highly recommend learning the real one, if you are interested in this principle. David Blaine commonly uses the Push off double lift in his performances, it requires no break, and is displayed and replaced in a very elegant fashion.

The basics of the technique are taught on Crash Course 2, however, I feel alot of core elements of the technique were left out.

Hope This Helps,


Dec 30, 2008
You guys are harsh...if you want it taken down then tell me, gosh

I believe that is whats happening. It's a tutorial, thats obviously exposure. Also something being over exposed isn't an excuse to keep exposing it. Thats like saying, "Hitler killed 5 million jews, whats another million?" Although that does seem to go a TAD bit over the top........

Oct 29, 2009
Just around
First off, this is NOT the real podl. Can anyone tell me where the method cherryillusions taught is taught? Because if cherryillusions made this method all by himself, and it is not a published move, do you think it's really wrong to post a tutorial? If someone creates a move that IS his own, and original, I see no reason why the creator can't do what he wants with the move. Whether it be trying to sell the effect, or giving a tutorial.
If cherryillusions did not create this double lift, then it IS wrong, and I'm with all you other guys.
May 29, 2009
First off, this is NOT the real podl. Can anyone tell me where the method cherryillusions taught is taught? Because if cherryillusions made this method all by himself, and it is not a published move, do you think it's really wrong to post a tutorial? If someone creates a move that IS his own, and original, I see no reason why the creator can't do what he wants with the move. Whether it be trying to sell the effect, or giving a tutorial.
If cherryillusions did not create this double lift, then it IS wrong, and I'm with all you other guys.

I kinda agree with you on that, but even if he really did create the method i feel that he should not post a tutorial on it and please create a new name for your method IF you are the one that create this cos you might mislead others that the REAL Push off is perform this way.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
It's hardly an original creation... If I accidentally but independently discovered/created the method to, say, Jumping Gemini, that certainly does not give me the right to publish a tutorial of it.
Oct 28, 2007
Sydney Australia
It's hardly an original creation... If I accidentally but independently discovered/created the method to, say, Jumping Gemini, that certainly does not give me the right to publish a tutorial of it.

Yep thats right. Otherwise I would have posted a tutorial on so many moves now sold at DnD on demand.

If you keep the video up, be prepared for quite a lot of criticism. Welcome to the world of magic, where everyone is a di**head and nothing is what it seems =D

Otherwise, I like the performance and tutorial of the DL, however its not really yours even thou you came up with it by yourself.
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