Question about Counterfeit?

Oct 12, 2016
I recently bought Wayne Houchin's Counterfeit, and I absolutely love it. I've got all the moves memorized, including subtleties, and can pretty much do it without thinking about it. I'm really excited to start performing it! The trouble I run into is with the third piece. It either doesn't seem convincing when displayed, both in the spread of pieces and when clipped between my fingers, or, if I do get it to look good in the display, the restoration doesn't quite work. Sometimes the restoration works, but doesn't look as good as it should. Occasionally in setting it up for the display, I mess up the restoration. I hope that isn't saying too much. I've gotten it to work beautifully a couple times, but not often. I've watched the relevant portions of the video dozens of times, and I don't think I'm missing anything. If anyone has tips on that third piece, feel free to shoot me a PM.
I think I can comment here without giving too much away. The third restore is typically the most difficult. I typically like to have a little bit of moisture on my hands to seal the paper a bit better. Remember in the tutorial how how Wayne teaches to "lock" the bottom part of the restore. That's a key element that really helps keep it together and look good. What I do as a deal sealer is I hold the card up solely by that corner alone and show the front and back to show that it's actually attached. I then do the grip test that he shows and will have my spectator grip the second restore part as I hold the the edge (the middle of the two pieces) of the third restoration as to not flash anything. At that point anyone is convinced that it has been fully restored on there even if there is still some cracks or marks on the edges. Best of luck!
As far as the display goes, I too have a little bit of trouble with that but only with one side. So what I do is I put a lot of attention on the side that looks good, quickly show the backside and cover the flash with my thumb and then return to front display and begin the routine. No one has ever called me out on wanting to inspect all four pieces yet. As Kenton Knepper says, if you don't pay attention to it or worry about it, no one else will either.
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Oct 12, 2016
Thanks for the tips!

When it comes to the display, are you referring to the display of the all four pieces after the card is torn up, or the display of the third piece immediately before restoring it? Let me know if you think this discussion is starting to give away too much.
Thanks for the tips!

When it comes to the display, are you referring to the display of the all four pieces after the card is torn up, or the display of the third piece immediately before restoring it? Let me know if you think this discussion is starting to give away too much.
I'm referring to the beginning display when all four pieces are shown.

I don't think anything important has been given away. The method is still safe. I made sure to be very careful in what I wrote. No one will be able to figure out the method based on this conversation.
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Oct 12, 2016
That's what I assumed, but I wasn't certain.

Yeah, I wasn't worried about your responses, they'd only be understood by someone who knows the method. Just wanted to confirm that my questions weren't getting too specific. Thanks again for the advice!
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