Question for W:H

Hey wayne, I was just wondering if you check your PMs on these forums?
I know I sent you a few before on E and I don't think they ever got answered, so I was just wondering whether I should bother PMing you or not?

(PS: You got one I sent you :D)

Aug 30, 2007
I believe that Wayne is traveling from Canada back to the US today, so it may be a while before he's near a computer again.



theory11 artist
Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Chico, CA
Hey guys. I will be answering the pm's as best I can. When you recieve well over two hundred e/mails and myspace pm's per week, it can be quite difficult to answer all of them. I do read each & every single one & I will respond to as many as I can.
Aug 31, 2007
Hey guys. I will be answering the pm's as best I can. When you recieve well over two hundred e/mails and myspace pm's per week, it can be quite difficult to answer all of them. I do read each & every single one & I will respond to as many as I can.

I hope that you have a nice library of Box letters to reply. With
that many PM's I know I would be Cutting and Pasting as much
as I could LOL.:D
Hey guys. I will be answering the pm's as best I can. When you recieve well over two hundred e/mails and myspace pm's per week, it can be quite difficult to answer all of them. I do read each & every single one & I will respond to as many as I can.

Cool :) I hope you had a good time in Canada, make sure to come and visit Vancouver and stop by and say hi :p

Sep 1, 2007
Ok,Im going to make the the official question/hey Wayne thread.
By the way,Wayne,I just sent you a PM.Please respond as soon as you can please.Don't mean to be rude,it's just a quick question that's been bugging me for a while.
Sep 1, 2007
Just makin sure.I just get impatient sometimes.Not proud of it either.Sorry Wayne if i made it feel like I was rushing you.
Sep 1, 2007
I don't get it,It said he read it,but no response.Maybe I just have to give it some time.
He did say he gets PM's like crazy so I give it a couple days.You probably just got a little lucky for him to respond so fast.
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