Question on the Tarantula...

Dec 20, 2009
So yeah I have a question... So I can't get the thread out of the reel... How do i get it out?
There's a vid explaining everything... No worries, I didn't reveal anything, just showed the reel. It is said that the tarantula uses a reel so I think its fine... Also, The reel is sold on Yigal Mesika's website, and there's a pic of it... so it doesn't really matter if I show the reel... Just as a precaution, it's unlisted...

So yeah... HELP!! Do I need to buy a new reel??



Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
The DVD method works wonderfully for me. Try putting it into the tarantula (With the cap off) and press and hold the button. Blow on it quite hared a few times, and the end should come off the spool (If it is free). If it doesn't you may have to cut the thread and reload the spool with new thread (I hear vectra line is great)(<-Irony). You can also try taking a needle and hooking a thread on the spool, and breaking it, then pull on the new end(s). Hopefully it gets it moving and saves the majority of the thread.

Any other suggestions?
Dec 20, 2009
The DVD method works wonderfully for me. Try putting it into the tarantula (With the cap off) and press and hold the button. Blow on it quite hared a few times, and the end should come off the spool (If it is free). If it doesn't you may have to cut the thread and reload the spool with new thread (I hear vectra line is great)(<-Irony). You can also try taking a needle and hooking a thread on the spool, and breaking it, then pull on the new end(s). Hopefully it gets it moving and saves the majority of the thread.
Any other suggestions?

Thanks for the info, but as much as I blow on it... Nothing happens... I believe it somehow got tangled....

I don't feel like breaking the thread and trying pulling on the new ends, because I only have soo little thread left... So yeah... But whatever it takes...

Any more suggestions would be really helpful....
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