Questions about old tricks

Aug 9, 2011
Hello all,

I am not a practiced card magician, however I was going through my attic, and found some cards and tricks from when I was in highschool (going on 15 years ago). I've forgotten how some of these tricks work, and thought I would turn to the masters for any information you might be able to give me regarding finding out how some of these tricks were preformed. I would like to be able to pass these illusions on to my kids.

So here goes,

The first trick is a small packet of gaffe cards consisting of 5 regular jokers, and 4 "5 of hearts" gaffed with joker faces on the back.

Another is a packet of 5 cards. They consist of 4 of a kind nines, each with a different brand on the back (budweister, coca cola, pepsi, and an American flag. The fifth card is a gaffed bicycle card; one side is a red back one side is a blue black. If I remember correctly the illusion was that the backs of the cards kept changing.

These is also a packet of 3 red backed bicycle cards. One has a Shiny Red diamond in the center of the face, one has a shiny blue diamond in the center of the face, and the last has a picture of a man sitting in money, smoking a cigar above "$14".

any help with these would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much in advance.

Nov 19, 2010
i dont know the first 2 effects but the last one is color monte. Which is a lot like the this n that effect just with the kicker ending which goes kind of like double or nothing you lost now i get the $14 which is what that card is for. hope i somewhat helped
Aug 9, 2011
Thank you for the help. I did some digging and found some info. on the trick with the gaffed jokers. It's from an old trick called wild card. The ultimate effect is that every card turns into the 5 of hearts.
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