Questions about the idea

Hi everybody
I come from Vietnam and my English is not good so I use google translator, I hope you can listen and understand me.

I am currently a design based on normal Bicycle deck, I would like to submit designs for Theory11 but I do not know where to send pictures, look forward to your help

I really thank you...
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Feb 9, 2010
Well, the bicycle design has been done to death and T11 just recently came out with the Titanium Editions so I don't know how willing the market is going to be for another Bicycle deck. However, it is always worth a try! Good luck!
Well, the bicycle design has been done to death and T11 just recently came out with the Titanium Editions so I don't know how willing the market is going to be for another Bicycle deck. However, it is always worth a try! Good luck!

Oh, so thank you for answering me, I mean it was my design based on Bicycle cards like Black Tiger, or Red Dragon, not as an entirely new, anyway, thank you very

Are you sure you want to submit your design? It is very hard to actually make a profit out of a card design. However, if you look up diavoli productions he might be able to produce a deck for you if your design is good enough. Also a good place for card designers to be looking is

Thank you, I would like to submit designs for theory11. Link you have to send in on the T11 is not???
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