Raise Rise :: A Small Question

Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
I've seen this effect performed many times from different places, but I never caught the name of it until recently. It has been an effect that I've always wanted to have under my belt, but I haven't found a place that teaches the proper technique.

Do any of you happen to know where I could come across the effect?

Thank you in advance.

Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
What's the fun of something that you don't need to practice? Bring it on, I say.

Lot's of people say this and few actually mean it. I know I have been guilty of this at least a few times and had to eat my own words a few frustrated weeks later =/

The entire 'elevator' effect is insanely visual from the few times I have seen it and I have yet to pick up Kosby, Kenner, or Futagawa's, et. al.'s handling of the effect. I am curious to hear what you think a few weeks after picking up one of the variations of this.

Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
Lot's of people say this and few actually mean it. I know I have been guilty of this at least a few times and had to eat my own words a few frustrated weeks later =/

The entire 'elevator' effect is insanely visual from the few times I have seen it and I have yet to pick up Kosby, Kenner, or Futagawa's, et. al.'s handling of the effect. I am curious to hear what you think a few weeks after picking up one of the variations of this.


Well, whenever I can actually pick up the correct instruction from one of these sources I'll be sure to inform you of my progress.

I know that Kenner's variation of it is quite tough, but the shift involved is pretty insane. Now, this doesn't mean that I've given up on it. However, I just need a better visual of what the shift looks like in action. I've never seen it performed on video.

I have seen Kosby's variation performed many times, and that's the version that I'd like to learn.

Thanks for your insight!

Sep 1, 2007
Houston TX
I am telling you my friend
get the DVD "impossible card magic"
he teaches some killer effects
including the move used in raise rise
once you get that move down
you are headed for some higher possibilities
and more than just one amazing trick.

also about kenners elevator. It is another great one from his book "totally out of control" i would say that is a great investment too.

i believe danny's new effect fallen is going to push against these somewhat older effects in visuality (if thats even a word)

i hope this helps!
Sep 26, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
The funny thing is... Liquidsn (the magician in the video in the Media section) didnt really practice for that long. I remember when he first got the video (we lived in the same dorm), he was able to do all the mechanics of it quite soon, but of course, probably took some time to polish it up.

Pretty dang dexterous hands he has >_<
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