Raise Rise

Nov 12, 2008
Hey guys,
I am working on this wonderful effect (raise rise) and I wanted to know how long it took you guys to get it down. Also, I have small hands, so will this make it a lot harder?

Thanks for all the help.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Let me put it this way. Simply getting the motions down will take a long while. I've only ever seen two people perform it well, however, Ray Kosby, and one other magician live. I've never seen anyone else perform this presentably.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
See, these two guys, perfect example. IMO - they're both at the stage of having gotten the motions down after a lot of practice. Is it up to performance standard though? I wouldn't say so. liquidsn has some very nice videos out. But compare to how solidly he does his DL, how solidly someone else passes, and it's simply not up to the regular performing standard. It's all very well to blur that standard and say, yes, but it looks so good! Which is true, but only to magicians because the move is difficult and we know that. But objectively - it's impressive as it is, but not performance standard, at least not as they are in those videos.


I respectfully disagree. I've been performing this effect as a follow up to an ambitious card sequence for quite some time and the truth is that the effect (when adequately handled) can and does fool laymen. You've set up an impossible feat when you say that you're going to give the spectator the opportunity to actually see the card rise to the top. When you follow through i've had everything from stunned silence to David Blaine Special style spectator reactions.

What you didn't see from this video is the script used to smoothly transition into this effect, and the justification used for the actual visible rising. When I do it, I explain how the card rises to the top in a series of small steps, letting them in on the "secret" to how the trick works.
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